What is Keyword or Reserved Words In C Language

Keyword is a word in C language that has predefined meaning and purpose. The meaning and purpose of keyword is defined by the developer of the language.
It can not be changed or redefined by the user. Keyword can be used for the same purpose for which it is defined. They help the compiler in compilation process. Keywords written in lowercase. 
Keywords are also known as Reserved Words. The total number of keywords is 32.

List Of Keywords :-

  • auto 
  • do
  • goto
  • signed
  • unsigned 
  • break
  • double
  • if
  • sizeof
  • void
  • case
  • else
  • int
  • static 
  • volatile
  • char
  • enum
  • long
  • struct
  • while
  • const
  • extern
  • register
  • switch
  • continue
  • float
  • return
  • typedof
  • default
  • for
  • short
  • union

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